講座題目一:Risk Takers
講座人:Christine Roland-Lévy, PhD.
Professor of Social Psychology, at the University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne in France. In terms of research she focuses on the field of Applied Psychology (e.g. Economic psychology; Work and organizational psychology). She has published more than 150 scientific papers and 16 books. She serves on a number of Scientific Journals’ Editorial Teams.
She became the President of the International Association of Applied Psychology (IAAP) in June 2018 until July 2022. Besides being President of IAAP, she has also had the privilege of being President of two international associations (International Association for Research in Economic Psychology, IAREP, 1997-1999; Children’s Identity & Citizenship European Association, CiCea, 2008-2010). She was the President of the Consortium of French Psychologists, an umbrella for all psychology associations in France (2010-2016), and the President of the French Association of Cross-Cultural studies (2010-2014). In addition, she is the Vice-President of the French National Council of Universities (2015-2019).
In 2005, she was granted the honorary title of knighthood of the Academic Palms. She was recently recognized as one of the few Professors of Excellence (an exceptional award).
講座題目二:The Universal Declaration of Ethical Principles for Psychologists and Its Influence on Ethical Thinking in Psychology
講座人:Professor Janel Gauthier
Past President of the International Association of Applied Psychology, Professor Emeritus of Psychology at Laval University in Canada, and a past president of the Canadian Psychological Association.
He has published over 100 scientific papers and book chapters on the applications of behavioural, cognitive, and social psychology to mental health problems. Since 2002, ethics and human rights have become the main focus of his research, writings, and lectures. One of his most important achievements is arguably the development of theUniversal Declaration of Ethical Principles for Psychologists, which was unanimously adopted by the International Union of Psychological Science and the International Association of Applied Psychology in 2008 following a six-year process of research and broad international consultation. Prof. Gauthier was the chair of the international Ad Hoc Joint Committee which drafted theUniversal Declaration. He has received numerous national and international awards for his distinguished contributions to education and training in psychology and to the international advancement of psychology and ethics, including the Interamerican Society of Psychology‘s Interamerican Psychology Award for Distinguished Contributions to the Development of Psychology as a Science and as a Profession in the Americas, the APA Division 52’s Outstanding International Psychologist Award, and the International Council of Psychologists’ Fukuhara Award for Distinguished Contributions to the International Community of Professional Associations and the Discipline of Psychology.
講座題目三:Happiness orientation and Psychological Capital as antecedents of well-being and performance at work
Professor of Work and OrganizationalPsychology at theUniversity of Valencia (1981-present) and founding Director of the ResearchInstitute of Human ResourcesPsychology, OrganizationalDevelopment and Quality of Workinglife (IDOCAL; 2009-2018). He isseniorresearcher at the IVIE (Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Económicas). He ismember of the Academia de Psicología de Espa?a. He has published more than 200 articles in scientificjournals and about 30 books and monographs. He wasformerAssociate Editor of theEuropeanJournal of Work and OrganizationalPsychology (1995-2001) and serves as member of the Editorial Team of number of Scientificjournals (Journal of Management, Work and Stress, Human Relations, etc.). He wasmember of theScientificAdvisoryBoard of theWork and OrganizationalResearch Centre of TilburgUniversity (1993-99).
He has receivedtheAristotle 2015 Awardfrom EFPA, theAdvanced International Research and ServiceAwardbythe International Council of Psychologists (2013), theLifetimeaward of theEuropeanAssociation of Work and OrganizationalPsychology (2013). Doctor Honoris Causa bytheUniveristy of Elx and theUniversityMethodista of Sao Paulo, Fellowmember of theSocietyfor Industrial and OrganizationalPsychology (since 2009) and of theEuropeanAcademy of Occupational HealthPsychology (since 2001). He has served as President (2011-2014).Member of theEuropeanAwardingCommittee of theEuropsyCertificate (2009-2016). He served as President of theEuropeanAssociation of Work and OrganizationalPsychology (1995-97) and President of ENOP European Network of Work and OrganizationalPsychologyProfessors (2015-17).He is Director of the PhD Programon Human ResourcesPsychology (MentiontowardsExcellence of theSpanishMinistry of Education) and has beencoordinator of the Erasmus Mundus Master Program of Work, Organization and PersonnelPsychologytaughtby a consortium of sevenUniversities: Barcelona, Bologna, Coimbra, Paris, Guelph, Brasilia and Valencia (2005-17).
主持人:楊劍峰 教授
地 點(diǎn):雁塔校區(qū)崇鋈樓三層敏行廳